The question has come up again whether Origin should take a space-separated 
list of origins as to reveal the entire redirect chain. The scenario if I 
understood it correctly (abarth will hopefully correct me) is as follows:

  A has the following setup:

  Access-Control-Allow-Origin: B-origin
  Access-Control-Allow-Method: DELETE

  C has the following setup due to a compromised

  Access-Control-Allow-Origin: B-origin
  Location: A-url

  Now B issues a request to C using the method

There are legitimate reasons for such redirects as well by the way, e.g. if a 
company moved domains due to renaming, or has been bought by a bigger company 
and they are integrating their services, etc.

A potential solution to this problem is to include the redirect chain in the 
Origin header, as follows:

  In the first request (not complicating this
  with preflight requests) it would be:

  Origin: B

  And the subsequent request it would be:

  Origin: B C

This creates some related issues we have to sort out one way or another:

 A) How does this affect Access-Control-Allow-Origin?

 B) How does this affect the preflight result cache?

(B is interesting nonetheless as apparently since nobody implemented redirects 
yet and I missed something it is not really clear if it works effectively in 
face of redirects. *sigh* (Consider a preflight from O to X. X redirects to Y. 
Y grants O permission. If you now repeat the request to X it will not look in 
the cache while redirecting to Y. It does not crash and burn either, but it 
still seems suboptimal.))

Anne van Kesteren

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