On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 3:09 PM, Tyler Close<tyler.cl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Why do you assume my router has a private IP address?
> Because it does?

I've used several networks that used several networks that used public
IP addresses behind firewalls and that relied on connectivity
security.  If I recall correctly, the network at the computer science
department at Stanford is configured this way and they use
connectivity to control access to their printers.

In any case, I don't think it's a robust assumption for the future of
web security.  What happens when IPv6 causes every toaster to have a
public IP address?

>>  It seems fragile and magical to hang our hat on that for security.
> No more fragile and magical than a home router hanging its hat on
> connectivity for security.

Now we're going in circles.  I've given you a number of use cases
where connectivity security makes sense.  You alternatively insist
that (1) connectivity / IP-based authentication is a fragile/bad idea
and (2) that you aren't insisting that!

> That's not an accurate portrayal of my argument. Try again.

Can you explain your argument in simple steps like the above?  I
clearly don't understand your position.


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