On Jun 25, 2009, at 12:42 PM, Nikunj R. Mehta wrote:

I think Nikunj's proposal definitely is worthy of being persued, just like the working group is persuing dozens of other proposals like XHR, CORS,
Selectors API, Workers, Server-Sent Events, Web Sockets, etc. I don't
believe it really fits into the Web Storage spec (if anything, I think we should split Web Storage into two further specs, not add a third wholly independent feature to it). However, I would definitely support an FPWD
publication of Nikunj's proposal, as I have for other proposals.

That is encouraging. I will be glad to edit an FPWD that includes B- tree, interception, and programmable cache, if the WG so prefers.

It seems to me that Berkley DB style database storage, and request interception / programmable cache are orthogonal ideas and should arguably be separate drafts. I would assume request interception and programmable cache are usable regardless of what client-side storage APIs are available, much as HTML5 Application Cache is independent of these APIs. If anything, it seems more closely related to AppCache than to any proposed storage solution.


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