Ian Hickson wrote on 7/14/2009 12:49 AM: 
> (Trimmed cc list to avoid cross-posting.)
> On Thu, 25 Jun 2009, Bil Corry wrote:
>> Thanks for the clarification.  Will there be some mechanism within HTML5 
>> to denote links that are privacy-sensitive versus those that are not?  
>> I'm imagining that by default, links to external resources would be 
>> considered private unless denoted as public (non-private?).
> I have no plans to add such a feature at this time, but I suppose if 
> Sec-From becomes popular, we could add it at some future point, sure.

The Sec-From draft relies on the adopter to define what constitutes 
"privacy-sensitive" -- will you be adding this definition to HTML5?

- Bil

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