On Jul 27, 2009, at 2:14 PM, Nikunj R. Mehta wrote:

And mine did get awkward, very quickly. I found it really hard to keep myself sane through the development of asynchronous code that executes transactionally and involves multiple sql statements.

My argument is that the program logic gets really complex, really fast if you are doing anything complex using Database. On the other hand, if your logic and SQL needs are really simple, you might as well use the DatabaseSync interface and pay the price of marshaling and unmarshaling, which may not be that much.

Aaron showed that it's pretty complex to implement the marshalling in a general way on top of Workers and a synchronous interface.

Alternatively, perhaps, we should consider doing something in WebWorkers to deal with the overhead of sharing JavaScript objects across VMs.

That would lead to far greater complexity for both implementations and content authors than the complexity saved by removing the async interface.


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