Jacob Rossi wrote:
> Are you mostly referring to non-touch mobile users?

I'll answer this first, by saying that it was a general reference.
Although, it is true that today I work in the mobile industry. But i
also worry about other scenarios. Perhaps for some people it's hard to
use a mouse (there are cases where people who need accessibility aids
really can't easily manipulate mice).

> Do you have any data on how many people would be browsing
> with neither mouse nor touch capabilities?

I'm not going to go looking through my internal sources (partly
because they're almost certainly confidential, but mostly because i'd
have to find them).

I'd imagine that the majority of cell phones do not have touch or a
mouse. I'm fairly certain that there are more mobile phones than there
are personal computers.

Please keep in mind that just because a device is under powered
doesn't mean it doesn't have a web browser or the ability to use a
browser proxy (SkyFire [1] / Opera Mini [2]). I'm fairly certain more
devices are capable of running proxies than have touch screens or

> One possible solution is that copy-and-paste could be treated
> as drag-and-drop only when the browser is in Caret Browsing
> mode (do any browsers other than Firefox and IE have this?)
> and on mobile devices without touch capabilities.

This would mean that such devices wouldn't be able to easily trigger
copy/paste behaviors.

Explaining multiple modes to users is a royal pain. Caret browsing is
just another form of pain, so is spacial navigation.

For lack of a confusing reference to such pain, i've done a quick
search and found one:
Widget interaction models [3].

I haven't read it, and please excuse the wonderful url structure. A
quick glance indicates to me that it's confusing, and that's all I
wanted in a reference :).

[1] http://www.skyfire.com
[2] http://www.opera.com/mini/

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