While re-reading the spec:
I seem to understand that "supply data immediately" is the alternative proposed currently by HTML5. Right?

If yes, then it's clear that most server-implementors will not be able to offer rich flavours as possible conversion targets since you don't want to wait on a network load for a drag-start to fire!

Honestly, I find the whole DnD and CnP treatment in HTML5 quite much ad-hoc. It's welcome to have such an addition but it makes too many arrangements and still is hard to read.

What I would wish, and I think many many many others is a readable specification for copy-and-paste that meets large implementations and maybe later something for drag-and-drop.


Thanks for the pointers. We now have more words: supply data on demand or supply data immediately is the crucial difference.

The on-demand situation means: the application still must live for its on-demand flavours to be available.

We're now porting it all to a web-browser: an application is a web- page, a document that is. So on-demand copy-and-paste would stop being available as soon the document is gone, i.e., as soon as the page is changed following a link or a back, right?

I would feel bothered as a user.

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