On Sep 9, 2009, at 19:01 , Mark Baker wrote:
On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Robin Berjon<ro...@berjon.com> wrote:
On Sep 8, 2009, at 17:18 , Mark Baker wrote:

function getSection () {
 return location.href.replace(/^http:\/\/magic.local\/([^\/]+).*/,

The regex could just as easily have been written to exclude the
authority component of the URI.  Do you have a better example?

It could have, but it wasn't — interoperability isn't what happens when people write to a W3C working group to get their code debugged, it's what
happens when real people write code on their own.

Sure, some people will write really bad code.  I just don't think we
have to accommodate all of them.

Of course, but the above piece of code isn't bad at all. It gets the job done, and it's not more generic than one has reason to expect it to be, especially with web development background. What we're accommodating are expectations of interoperability and least surprise — in my book that hardly qualifies as catering to "really bad code".

Let us assume that we don't at all say what is returned by the many
attributes that normally expose URIs. What regex would you "just as easily have written" to match an unspecified value? Here are some samples from
several implementations given an image linked to as /img/dahüt.svg:

 A: http://magic.local/img/dahüt.svg
 B: file://mushroom.local/img/dahüt.svg
 C: file:///img/dahüt.svg
 D: file:///C|/img/dahüt.svg
 E: \\myphone\img\dahüt.svg
 G: http:///img/dah%FCt.svg
 H: cool-product:/img/dah%u0055%u0308t.svg
 J: many more things...

Some of those aren't URIs, and some aren't hierarchical.  Of the
others, "[:/]//?*/(.*$)" should cover it.

Sure, but in the absence of any indication from the specification, why should implementers use a URI there? In fact, one could make the case that it makes better sense to pick something that cannot

I'll note in passing that your regex doesn't take into account cases that might expose the query string in some implementations and not in others. Would you consider it to be "really bad code"? Certainly one could construct a more robust regex than yours, but it's a lot better to provide the means for implementations to be interoperable from the start rather than having to document which hacks work everywhere.

But if it would simplify things, I wouldn't be averse to a getBaseURI() call.

I'm not sure what exactly that would cover, and how it would help.

Let's imagine we say nothing and you're an implementer: what would you do? Everyone in this discussion understands that introducing new schemes should be done with caution — what I don't understand is what architectural value
you are seeing in not using URIs to identify resources, encouraging
non-interoperable solutions, or sweeping the issue under the rug by
delegating to a special name instead of a scheme.

I'm not doing any of those things AFAICT.  I encourage resources to be
identified by URIs.  I just don't see a need to tell implementations
what their URIs should look like, other than to say they should be
hierarchical for obvious reasons.

Should they include query strings? Fragments? Can they contain UTF8 characters? What are the security implications of reusing an existing scheme with a magic name (given that it could be highjacked)?

This is a case where saying less only bring more problems. If we were to go your suggested route of telling implementations everything about what the URIs should look like except what the scheme would be, what we'll end up specifying is a URI scheme without a scheme name. Apart from scoring a perfect Montesquieu on the Mint New URI Schemes With A Trembling Hand, I'm not sure that it buys us much that simply providing implementers with information that they've been asking for doesn't.

The identifiers produced by implementations you list above suggests
that at least some implementors feel that they can reuse existing
schemes, no?

No, the list is provided as an example, not taken from actual implementations. Implementers have been asking repeatedly for this URI scheme to be defined, I think largely because they want to be interoperable with one another. Push-back on this has come mostly from the armchair end of the spectrum.

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/

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