
Months ago, I reserved a room on November 2-3 so that WebApps' API group [API] could meet f2f during the W3C's annual TPAC meeting week (Nov 2-6 [TPAC]). I reserved a separate meeting room on those same days for WebApps' widgets group [Widgets].

I started an agenda for the Widget group's meeting [TPAC-Widgets] and the details will be filled-in as the meeting date gets closer.

However, re the agenda for our API specs, naturally, we want to use the time wisely and only meet if/when it makes sense. As such, I Need Your Help, especially input from the Editors!

To get things, started:

1. Please indicate those API specs you want to discuss at this f2f meeting and a brief list of the relevant topic(s).

2. If an Editor does not want a spec on the agenda, please provide a short status of that spec, in particular the plan for the next publication.

3. If you think it would be useful to have a joint meeting with one of the other WGs that are meeting on Monday or Tuesday (see [Schedule]), then please indicate the WG name and discussion topic(s).

I realize the meeting is still several weeks away but an advanced agenda is needed for those planning to travel to the meeting.

Assuming we get critical mass for an API group meeting, I'll make the first draft of an agenda.

-Regards, Art Barstow

[Widgets] PubStatus#Widgets_Specifications

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