Apologies for the delay, I've been spending the majority of my time
completing the initial implementation for Chrome, but I've posted a draft
version of a spec for notifications to

I think that's a good starting point for formalizing it.

This specification simplifies some of the notions of the widget spec (such
as, is it necessary to bring the notifying context into view when a
notification is generated?; i prefer they be passive).  It is also more
general in other areas (such as allowing more event handlers), so if there
are specific requirements there we may need to come to consensus.


2009/9/7 Marcos Caceres <marc...@opera.com>

> John Gregg wrote:
> > Hi Marcos,
> >
> > I'm doing the implementation for Chromium so I'm pretty familiar with
> > notifications. Although I'm fairly new to the process, I would be happy
> > to volunteer to help, since I would definitely like to see a new
> > notifications spec come together.
> Great! Basically, we just need a plain-text brain-dump from you about
> how your implementation works and what the APIs. That should be
> sufficient as a starting point to get the ball rolling. As I've got some
> experience writing W3C specs, I'm happy to help co-edit.
> Before starting on an actual spec, the parts we need are:
> Requirements:
>   a simple list of what the requirements are.
>   (e.g., there must be a means to request the user's attention.)
> APIs: some IDL (or pseudo code) and a brief description of each of the
> attribute or method.
> A description of how you envision notifications play with HTML5's
> browsing contexts/origin.
> You might also look at what we originally had in the widget spec (search
> for "The showNotification()  Method" and "The getAttention() Method"):
> http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2006/waf/widgets-api/Overview.src.html?rev=1.87&content-type=text/html;%20charset=iso-8859-1
> showNotification() was based on some old HTML5 text, which was removed
> about a year ago. Anyway, please let us know if you need anything else,
> and we look forward your input! :D
> Kind regards,
> Marcos

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