The draft minutes from the October 22 Widgets voice conference are available at the following and copied below:

WG Members - if you have any comments, corrections, etc., please send them to the public-webapps mail list before October 29 (the next Widgets voice conference); otherwise these minutes will be considered Approved.

-Regards, Art Barstow



                               - DRAFT -

                       Widgets Voice Conference

22 Oct 2009


[2] 2009OctDec/0283.html

   See also: [3]IRC log



          Art, Frederick, Jere, Bryan, Marcin_Hanclik, Magnus, Marcin,

          Marcos, Arve, David




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Review and tweak agenda
         2. [6]Announcements
         3. [7]P&C spec: Potential bug in Rule for Identifying the
            Media Type of a File
         4. [8]AOB
     * [9]Summary of Action Items

   <scribe> ScribeNick: ArtB

   <scribe> Scribe: Art

Review and tweak agenda

   AB: I posted the draft agenda on October 21 (
   83.html ). Since Marcos sent regrets for today we will drop the
   Widget interface spec agenda item.
   ... any other agenda change requests?

[10] 2009OctDec/0283.html

   FH: I think we should talk about DAP + WebApps meeting during TPAC

   AB: ok, during AOB

   JK: we could talk about Web Notifications
   ... but may want to wait for more people

   FH: yes, think we should wait

   AB: I agree
   ... if there is no closure by next week, it will be on the Oct 29


   AB: I have 4 short announcements/reminders:
   ... 1. draft agendas for the November 2-3 TPAC f2f meeting have been
   updated: Widgets group (
   [11] ) and APIs
   group ( [12] ).
   Fleshing-out the TPAC widgets agenda will be an agenda item for our
   October 29 call.
   ... 2. the TPAC registration deadline is Oct 23 (
   [13] )
   ... 3. TPAC Public Developer Gathering Nov 5 (
   [14] ). Please spread the
   ... 4. Our Oct 29 call will be the same time for everyone except US.
   The time for US will be one hour later. Thereafter, the times will
   be the same as today. No call of course during the TPAC week.
   ... any other annoucements?


   [ None ]

P&C spec: Potential bug in Rule for Identifying the Media Type of a

   AB: the remaining open bug for P+C spec is documented in the
   "Potential bug in Rule for Identifying the Media Type of a File"
   thread (
   83.html ).
   ... earlier today Marcos responded to Marcin's latest proposal (
   93.html ). I think this now closes this bug. Any comments?

[15] 2009OctDec/0183.html [16] 2009OctDec/0293.html

   MH: I looked at MC's comments
   ... I disagree with some proposals
   ... I did some tests
   ... I also disagree with limitation of file extension to 2 ranges
   ... proposed ranges are only for ASCII letters
   ... do not cover digits
   ... but there are some extension e.g. pk12 with digits
   ... think we need to consult i18n group
   ... not sure they will agree with ASCII only extensions
   ... I will submit a reply to Marcos
   ... One source of confusion is OS support versus shell support

   <scribe> ACTION: marcin respond to Marcos' Oct 22 email re BNF
   [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-420 - Respond to Marcos' Oct 22 email re
   BNF [on Marcin Hanclik - due 2009-10-29].

   BS: is this about naming of files that are part of the package?

   MH: yes

   BS: I agree there should not be constraints

   AB: any other comments on this?
   ... given we don't consensus on this, we will not be able to publish
   a new LC until after the TPAC meeting
   ... any last comments?
   ... given this is still an open issue, we will not discuss LC
   publication today


   AB: next call will October 29. One topic for that call will fleshing
   out the agenda for the Nov 2-3 f2f meeting. It could be that we have
   very little to discuss in Santa Clara which means people could then
   attend other f2f meetings e.g. WebApps' APIs meeting, DAP WG, etc.
   ... Frederick DAP and WebApps?

   FH: WebApps will have 2 meetings?

   AB: yes
   ... Chaals will chair APIs group
   ... Art will chair Widgets group
   ... File API is a topic for DAP + WebApps

   FH: do we need a DAP + Widgets joint session

   AB: I don't think there is a need yet

   BS: I think it would make sense to have a short joint session

   <fhirsch3> +1 to having joint DAP - Widgets session

   BS: to discuss any possible overlap

   AB: do you mean API or Widget group?

   BS: I think DAP + Widgets group joint meeting makes sense
   ... I am interested in status of the HTML5 specs that moved to

   AB: I only want to organize a joint meeting if there are specific
   agenda topics

   FH: I want to take advantage of the co-location

   AB: yes, sure

   BS: think there is overlap between widget API and what is being done
   in DAP

   AB: can you take an action to identify the overlap?

   <scribe> ACTION: bryan review Widget API and DAP APIs for overlaps
   [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-421 - Review Widget API and DAP APIs for
   overlaps [on Bryan Sullivan - due 2009-10-29].

   MH: think there is overlaps between widgets and HTML5
   ... want to adapt HTML5 interfaces if possible
   ... Robin is the WARP editor
   ... I am Editor of VM specs
   ... want to use the meetings to meet each other

   <fhirsch3> +1 to marcin, we need to have a joint meeting to raise
   issues, establish relationships etc

   AB: does the DAP WG already have a packed agenda for those two days?

   FH: we certainly have lots of info
   ... but think joint meetings should be high priority

   <scribe> ACTION: Frederick Robin to make a proposal to WebApps
   chairs regaring joint meetings Nov 2-3 [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-422 - Robin to make a proposal to WebApps
   chairs regaring joint meetings Nov 2-3 [on Frederick Hirsch - due

   <marcin> drinking beer during the joint meeting may be the best
   option :), since the actual resolutions will anyway have to be taken
   off-line/over email/ on the call after the F2F

   AB: I do not forsee a problem with WebApps' widgets group meeting
   with DAP

   BS: I don't have visibility to WebApps HTML5 specs
   ... I want to understand how that stuff relates to DAP

   AB: I'm hearing Bryan requesting DAP meet with WebApp' APIs groups
   re WebApp's HTML5 specs

   <scribe> ACTION: barstow work with Robin, FH, and Chaals to get DAP
   and WebApps' APIs group to meet f2f [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-423 - Work with Robin, FH, and Chaals to
   get DAP and WebApps' APIs group to meet f2f [on Arthur Barstow - due

   <scribe> ACTION: Robin work with FH, and Chaals to get DAP and
   WebApps' APIs group to meet f2f [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-424 - Work with FH, and Chaals to get DAP
   and WebApps' APIs group to meet f2f [on Robin Berjon - due

   BS: server-sent events is a topic of interest for me
   ... think there is some potential synergy with OMA specs

   <scribe> ACTION: bryan submit agenda item requests re WebApps APIs
   for the TPAC meeting [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-425 - Submit agenda item requests re
   WebApps APIs for the TPAC meeting [on Bryan Sullivan - due

   <JereK> Chaals has already indicated that WebAPI and DAP should meet
   re the various FIle APIs - see tentative WebAPI agenda for TPAC:


   FH: hard to juggle these agendas

   AB: agree
   ... anything else on this subject?
   ... I thought you guys already had an agenda but I see now I'm wrong
   about that

   FH: DAP will have about 4 major slots
   ... some will be for APIs
   ... some will be for policy
   ... some will be for joint meetings

   <fhirsch3> 4 slots per day

   AB: anything else for today?
   ... next call is Oct 29
   ... meeting adjourned

   Date: 22 October 2009

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: barstow work with Robin, FH, and Chaals to get DAP and
   WebApps' APIs group to meet f2f [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: bryan review Widget API and DAP APIs for overlaps
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: bryan submit agenda item requests re WebApps APIs for
   the TPAC meeting [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Frederick Robin to make a proposal to WebApps chairs
   regaring joint meetings Nov 2-3 [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: marcin respond to Marcos' Oct 22 email re BNF
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Robin work with FH, and Chaals to get DAP and WebApps'
   APIs group to meet f2f [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

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