FYI, the Rich Web Application Backplane XG's Final Report has been published: backplane-20091030/

Keywords: Javascript, Web Application

Begin forwarded message:

From: ext Ian Jacobs <>
Date: October 27, 2009 12:05:50 PM EDT
Subject: Rich Web Application Backplane XG Final Report Published; XG closed

I'm pleased to announce publication of:

   Rich Web Application Backplane XG Final Report backplane-20091030/

        Charlie Wiecha, Chair (IBM)
        Mark Birbeck (Invited Expert, Backplane Ltd.)
        John Boyer (IBM)
        Jack Jansen (CWI)
        Steven Pemberton (CWI)
        Gregory Rosmaita (Invited Expert)

The report describes two areas of work undertaken by the XG; authoring
patterns helpful in supporting high-function web applications in
managing client-side data and user interaction control. In addition, a
range of methods are considered for implementing such patterns in
current browsers without requiring plug-ins or extensions using
javascript-based markup behaviors.

The Backplane XG recommends that a workshop be organized bringing
together interested parties with an aim to creating a Working Group to
define a standardized architecture and API for XML and HTML
interaction formats implemented in Javascript. Read more in their
conclusion: backplane-20091030/#Conclusion

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