We've been looking at the web database space here at Microsoft, trying to 
understand scenarios and requirements. After assessing what was out there we 
are forming an opinion around this. I wanted to write to this group to share 
how we think about the space, what principles we try to apply, and to discuss 

The short story is that we believe Nikunj's WebSimpleDB proposal, which 
basically describes a minimum-bar web database API and enables a whole set of 
diverse options to be built on top, is the right thing to do.

During the last couple of weeks we have been talking with various folks from 
Mozilla and Oracle and iterating over details of the WebSimpleDB draft. In the 
process it has become clear that we all share the same high-level expectations 
on the scope and capabilities of this API, and Nikunj has been hard at work 
making changes to the draft to keep up with them. I'll touch on a few details 
below, but bear in mind that several of them are already in the process of 
being addressed.

We would love to hear feedback, requirements, specific application scenarios, 
etc. We want to make progress quickly and get experimental implementations 
going to ensure that as we explore we stay grounded, with things that are 

Guiding principles and why we think the ISAM style proposed in WebSimpleDB is a 
good idea
As we try to understand the problem space we formulated a couple of guiding 
- Get into the standard the key building blocks that are either impossible to 
build on top, or so common that would be very redundant to do so
- Focus on an API that is simple enough that can be reliably specifiable and 
that can be implemented to follow the spec in a relatively simple manner
We believe that WebSimpleDB sets the stage in this direction. An ISAM layer can 
be used directly or can be a building block for more elaborate layers that can 
be built entirely in Javascript on top. Also, ISAM is simple enough that can be 
specified in a way that should enable highly interoperable implementations.

Trimming down

There are a number of elements of WebSimpleDB that we can probably live 
without, at least for a first version, such as Queues and Sequences. This may 
help simplify the database API even further.

Also, there are a few simplifying assumptions we can make from the get-go. For 
example, that "paths" as informally mentioned in the spec only reference 
Javascript identifiers (perhaps with dot-notation) and when used for 
index/primary keys they point to Javascript primitive values and not to 


The word "Entity" has a lot of different meanings depending on who you talk to. 
It would be interesting to find a simpler term, perhaps something that matches 
the Javascript terminology better.

Areas where we need to dig deeper and have broader discussions to understand 

Isolation model and its implications in locking: Various isolation models lead 
to different failure modes; for example, regular locks mean that application 
code needs to be ready to deal with deadlocks, or in the case of 
multi-versioning you can see optimistic concurrency violation exceptions during 
commit. There is a tricky balance between not dictating too much from the 
implementation and ensuring that observable behavior across implementations 
really enables interoperability.

What's the sweet spot for the API?: is the primary use for this API to be 
directly consumed by application code? Or is it a building block to create 
various different libraries that present a diversity of styles for query 
formulation and execution? We lean to the side of making it an API that's great 
for libraries to build nice layers on top, but it's still useable directly in 
application code (along the lines of what happens with XmlHttpRequest, where 
most developers will actually use a wrapper that fits the particular 
scenario/library better).


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