Shared workers do not depend on HTML documents for resource loading. I think
the webkit impl may have it cobbled together that way at the moment, but
thats per-happen-stance, not per-the-spec.

Shared workers effectively establish a new top-level-browsing-context all
unto themselves.

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Alexey Proskuryakov <> wrote:

> 07.11.2009, в 10:47, Michael Nordman написал(а):
>  I've been wondering if SharedWorkers should have a means of establishing
>> an appcache similar to how pages can via the <html manifest='x'> mechanism.
>> My mental model is that a shared worker is very much like a top-level page
>> with respect to appcaches, but that means for a shared worker to
>> express/establish its appcache is missing.
> Don't shared workers depend on HTML documents for network loading? I'm not
> sure how they can have independent caches, if they just ask a document to
> fetch a resource for them.
> - WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov

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