On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 6:14 PM, Dominique Hazael-Massieux <d...@w3.org> wrote:
> Le mardi 17 novembre 2009 à 12:01 -0500, Arthur Barstow a écrit :
>> > And test suite files are now online [2].
>> [[ ++ MWTS WG ]]
>> > [2] http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets-api/test-suite/
> To be fair, that work only represents Marcos’s efforts so far — I did
> contribute some test cases, but they haven’t been integrated or reviewed
> yet.
> Definitely Marcos++ :)

Dom is correct. Apologies, I should have made it clear as to what
constitutes the test suite at present: The test suite has 100%
coverage of the English prose that contains the word "MUST" in a
normative sense - the tests served as a way for me to proof read the
specification. That is, the intent of the current test cases is to
double check that prose could be translated into tests that run on an
identified product (in this case, a user agent). The tests do not
thoroughly test the WebIDL, which Dom's IDL test case generator will
thoroughly tests. I will work with Dom on getting those tests into the
test suite over the next week or so.

Kind regards,

Marcos Caceres

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