On Dec 7, 2009, at 6:34 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Mon, 7 Dec 2009, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

Note though: process-wise, Web Storage being in LC *is* a blocker to the
Widgets specification going to REC. Per W3C Process, a specification
cannot go to PR or REC unless all of its dependencies are at REC. It's
true though that it would not be a blocker to going to CR.

As far as I can tell (from our discussion on IRC and from my memory of the requirements), there is a pubrules suggestion that CR specs should only depend on CR+ specs, and PR specs should only depend PR+ specs, but it's
neither a hard rule, nor in the W3C process.

My understanding of the relevant text in pubrules is that the two things you mention are suggestions, but the statement that REC specs should only depend on REC is presented as a requirement with possibility of exceptions.

The specific wording in the pubrules for PR transition is is: "Does this specification have any normative references to W3C specifications that are not yet Proposed Recommendations? Note: In general, documents do not advance to Recommendation with normative references to W3C specifications that are not yet Recommendations."

This seems to make PR/PR+ depenency suggested, and REC/REC dependency apparently mandatory, though with possibility of exceptions (due to the "generally").


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