Hi all,

Scott Wilson a écrit :
Some more potential test case errors and fixes:


✔ Tests the UA's ability to locate an icon in a locale folder and at the root of the widget. To pass, after processing, the icons list must contain a pointer to "locales/en/icon.jpg", and "icon.png", which is at the root of the widget. The icons list needs to be in the correct order, where "locales/en/icon.jpg" must be first and "icon.png" must be second.

Following Step 9 and using "Rule for Finding a File Within a Widget Package" I always get these the other way around, as "icon.png" is in front of "icon.jpg" in the default icons list
I agree, see my previous mail.


✔ Tests the UA's ability to deal with custom icon declaration in the config document and matching default icons. To pass, the icons list must contain a pointer to "locales/en/icon.jpg" and "icon.png", which is at the root of the widget. The list needs to be in the correct order, where "locales/en/icon.jpg" must be first and "icon.png" must be second.

Following Step 9 and using "Rule for Finding a File Within a Widget Package" I always get these the other way around, as "icon.png" is in front of "icon.jpg" in the default icons list
I agree but for a different reasons. The reason here is that "icon.png" is added as a result of Step 7 
"Process the Configuration Document" whereas "locales/en/icon.jpg" is added as a result of Step 9 
"Process the Default Icons". Since Step 9 happens after Step 7, the JPG icon happens after the PNG.

Actually, I have a problem with the way the test suite result are expressed. 
Since there is no normative algorithm for the selection of the actual displayed 
icon, why should the test suite results but so strict. In particular, why does 
an implementation need to list all icons, if its policy is to select the first 
one, correct according to the spec, and that matches its needs. For example, 
one could say:

"To pass, the icons list must contain a pointer to either "locales/en/icon.jpg" or "icon.png", which is 
at the root of the widget. If both are listed, the list needs to be in the correct order, where "locales/en/icon.jpg" 
must be first and "icon.png" must be second."

Cyril --
Cyril Concolato
Maître de Conférences/Associate Professor
Groupe Mutimedia/Multimedia Group
Département Traitement du Signal et Images
/Dept. Signal and Image Processing
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications
46 rue Barrault
75 013 Paris, France

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