Hi All,

First, and most important, thanks to everyone for your good work this year, especially the Editors!

Although the best measures of a spec's value are its adoption rate and efficacy to solve real interoperability issues, here is some raw (objective) data regarding WebApps' 2009 publications:


* Number of unique specs published at least once: 20 (13 APIs and 7 Widgets)

* Number of publications [^]: 38; FPWDs = 11 (8 APIs including the specs split from HTML5 and 3 Widgets); WDs = 14 (11 APIs and 3 Widgets); LCWDs = 9 (4 APIs and 5 Widgets); CRs = 4 (1 API and 3 Widgets).

I am looking forward to working with you next year.

-Cheers, Art Barstow

[^] duplicates, e.g. LC#2 and LC#3 of the same spec, are not included

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