The XML Security WG is considering changing the syntax of the Profile and Role elements of the XML Signature Properties spec.

It appears to me the proposed change would affect at least sections 5. {1,2,3} and the example.

If you have any comments on the proposed changes, please send them to both and

Frederick, Scott - would you please explain the rationale for the proposed change?

-Art Barstow

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Hirsch Frederick (Nokia-CIC/Boston)" <>
Date: January 7, 2010 1:31:20 PM EST
To: ext Scott Cantor <>
Cc: "Hirsch Frederick (Nokia-CIC/Boston)" <>, XMLSec WG Public List <public->, "Barstow Art (Nokia-CIC/Boston)" <> Subject: Re: ISSUE-163, standalone XSD and RNG schema needed for Signature Properties

Thanks very much Scott.

I'll check with Art Barstow, Chair of WebApps regarding the suggestion
to change the Profile and Role elements to see if that would have a
negative impact on them.

What do others think, any issue with making that change if acceptable
to the Webapps WG? Any objection?

specifically, I think the suggestion is to change

<element name="Profile" type="dsp:ProfileType"/>
   <complexType name="ProfileType">
     <attribute name="URI" type="anyURI"/>


<element name="Profile" type="anyURI"/>

and likewise for Role.

Are there any other issues or concerns with this updated schema that
Scott sent? I'd like to update the Signature Properties schema
snippets to match, link in this schema, and get help on creating an
RNG schema (anyone here feel that they can handle it for this
relatively simple schema?)

I'd also like to incorporate an example as Scott suggests, preferably
one from WebApps.

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

On Jan 7, 2010, at 12:18 PM, ext Scott Cantor wrote:

I checked in a draft xsd schema file after extracting the schema from
the examples and starting to try to fix some errors, in case that
helps an easier start: properties-

A valid version is attached, with the following changes:

- fixing some errors and missing prefixes
- removing extra type definitions when the element is just a string or

In addition, I would suggest changing the two properties that are
elements with the URI attributes into elements with a type of anyURI
just putting the value into the element.

Note that I'm also just correcting the schema as given, and since
there are
no examples in the document, I can't tell you for sure whether the
XML you
*want* is represented.

-- Scott


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