On Feb 18, 2010, at 4: 31AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote
> Very interesting.  The general concept seems promising and fairly flexible.  
> You can easily code in a similar style to normal async/callback semantics, 
> but it seems like you have a lot more flexibility.  I do have a few questions 
> though.
> Are there any good examples of these used in the wild that you can point me 
> towards?  I used my imagination for prototyping up some examples, but it'd be 
> great to see some real examples + be able to see the exact semantics used in 
> those implementations.

The node.js community has some experience with promises. Here was a
recent discussion they had on promises and alternatives (although
I think it was primarily syntax driven):

If you're unfamiliar with node.js [1], it strives to always be
asynchronous and non-blocking. There are a number of database wrapper
modules, nearly all of which should give examples of using promises:

- Joe

[1]: http://nodejs.org/

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