The draft minutes from the April 1 Widgets voice conference are available at the following and copied below:

WG Members - if you have any comments, corrections, etc., please send them to the public-webapps mail list before April 8 (the next Widgets voice conference); otherwise these minutes will be considered Approved.

-Regards, Art Barstow



                               - DRAFT -

                       Widgets Voice Conference

01 Apr 2010


[2] 2010JanMar/0979.html

   See also: [3]IRC log



          Art, Thomas, Steven, Robin, Marcos, bryan_sullivan, Josh,

          Frederick, Marcin




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Review and tweak agenda
         2. [6]Announcements
         3. [7]Widget DigSig spec: C14N bug
         4. [8]P&C spec: <span> and dir
         5. [9]TWI spec: Issue #116
         6. [10]TWI spec: interop status
         7. [11]WARP spec: test suite status
         8. [12]URI Scheme spec: Action-510
         9. [13]View Modes Media Feature spec: comments from CSS WG
        10. [14]View Modes Interfaces spec:
        11. [15]AOB
     * [16]Summary of Action Items

   <scribe> Scribe: Art

   <scribe> ScribeNick: ArtB

   <darobin> ArtB, thanks :) we have quite a few more in the

Review and tweak agenda

   AB: yesterday I posted the agenda (
   79.html ). Any change requests?
   ... re Widgets Dig Sig, Frederick sent regrets for today but Thomas
   can join us so we'll make that the first spec.

[17] 2010JanMar/0979.html


   AB: any short announcements?

   TLR: we are looking into a workshop re privacy and APIs
   ... specifically, device APIs
   ... e.g. Geolocation
   ... TAG has done some related discussing
   ... CfP could be available in a week or two
   ... If anyone is interested in helping, ping me offline

   MC: sounds interesting; I'd like to participate

   AB: this sounds good; expect Nokia to participate

Widget DigSig spec: C14N bug

   AB: earlier this week, Frederick announced a bug in the Widget
   DigSig spec related to C14N (
   53.html ). Yesterday he submitted a modified proposed resolution (
   80.html ).
   ... the main issue is the spec isn't clear which C14N algorithm to
   use i.e. 1.0 or 1.1 and the proposal is to make it explicit: use
   ... the modified proposal includes 3 normative changes and a couple
   of non-normative changes.
   ... for today, mainly want to see if the issue(s) and proposed
   resolution are clear.

[18] 2010JanMar/0953.html [19] 2010JanMar/0980.html

   TLR: there may be a bug in the bug
   ... in the proposed resol re section 7.2
   ... some of that text is not correct
   ... I will follow-up today

   AB: thank you

   BS: does this mean that tools that sign will need to change?

   TR: the change should be fairly minor
   ... the change to the markup is just explicitly adding the algorithm
   to use
   ... If a change is needed, that means you are using 1.0 for the
   object and 1.1 for everything else
   ... Changes should be minor, depends on what the impl does

   BS: so if sign a widget with current tool and then test with updated

   TR: the old signatures are not likely to be conformant with the spec
   as changed
   ... if some type of generic tool was used, it may work

   BS: having those details would be helpful
   ... especially for those that have already deployed based on the
   current spec
   ... Will need to resign?

   TR: if a widget is signed according to old spec and uses 1.0
   ... then want to know if 1.1 verifier will throw an error or not

   BS: need to clear answer to these deployement questions

   TR: read Frederick's email
   ... there is should level support for 1.0

   BS: OK; will read it

   TR: I will follow-up in email today

   AB: let's try to respond to FH and TLR's emails by April 8
   ... want to know by then if this is going to cause major problems or

P&C spec: <span> and dir

   AB: the last thread on Marcos' new <span> and dir model is (
   36.html ). Marcos, what's the status?

[20] 2010JanMar/0936.html

   MC: I think we might be done

   <scribe> ... pending one note

   UNKNOWN_SPEAKER: i.e. the security precautions
   ... unicode and URIs

   AB: have you received any responses to your revised proposal?

   MC: they said they will reivew at next voice conf

   AB: so we'll need to wait for them to respond
   ... re next steps with this spec, I'm not sure we can go straight to

   MC: we can argue we haven't really changed functionality

   RB: I think it is a small enough change we can go to PR

   MC: I created some tests
   ... but we need some way to run the tests

   AB: what % of the dir and span tests are completed?

   MC: I just have a skeleton; haven't created actual widgets

   RB: re how to run the tests
   ... this is no diff from other aspects of the config file
   ... i.e. they don't show in the UA's UI
   ... just use dumps or something like that

   AB: not sure you need to create the same quality of tests we have
   for our Mandatory tests

   MC: yes, just need to show the parsing is done correctly

   AB: Steven, do you think Team will support going to PR?

   SP: yes, as long as you've got the tests, that should be good enough

   MC: it will be very diff for us to show a UA that displays the info
   ... we'll have to take it on an implementor's word that they've
   "done it"
   ... our test reports are based on a core parsing engine that doesn't
   have any UI

   SP: depends on the exit criteria
   ... CR should prove the spec is implementable
   ... need to show they are implemented somewhere and interoperable

   MC: thanks for the clarification

   AB: yes, that was helpful
   ... the PoA is: get closure with I18N WG re the latest changes
   Marcos proposed and then to proceed to PR
   ... any disagreements?
   ... or any concerns?

   [ No ]

   <darobin> +1

TWI spec: Issue #116

   AB: Issue-116 is "Need to flesh out the security considerations for
   the openURL method in the Widget Interface spec" (
   [21] ). Marcos,
   what's the status on the proposed text?


   MC: we are still sorting it out
   ... I don't have a new proposal
   ... but hope to have something soon

   AB: is there something the rest of us can provide to help?

   MC: I don't think it will change any normative text
   ... we are blocked on implementations
   ... don't think we need to worry about it

TWI spec: interop status

   AB: the TWI Implementation Report (
   [22] ) indicates
   Opera passes 100% of the tests. We need another implementation to
   pass 100% of the tests to exit Candidate. Can anyone provide some
   additional implementation data?


   RB: I do plan to make an update within two weeks

   AB: for widgeon?

   RB: for a new approach for widgeon

   AB: does anyone else have impl data they can share?

WARP spec: test suite status

   AB: what is the status of the WARP test suite (
   [23] )?


   RB: nothing recent from me

   MC: nothing recent from me either
   ... the spec has been marked-up for testing
   ... just need the tests
   ... I'd like to move this to CR as quickly as possible
   ... and I don't think we need a test suite before publishing the CR

   RB: I'm fine with that as well

   AB: any other comments about going to CR now?

   [ No ]

   <scribe> ACTION: barstow add proposal to move WARP spec to CR to
   April 8 agenda [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-513 - Add proposal to move WARP spec to CR
   to April 8 agenda [on Arthur Barstow - due 2010-04-08].

URI Scheme spec: Action-510

   AB: before I can ping IETF on the status of our scheme registration,
   Robin needs to respond to Julian re (
   [25] ). Robin,
   what's the status of this action?


   RB: I still have some edits to make
   ... then I will respond
   ... they have a 4-week review period
   ... think that ends next week
   ... I intend to reply to original posters
   ... and then to uri-review to determine the status
   ... anyone know about implementation?

   MC: not sure about our status
   ... could have been based on an old spec

   RB: widgeon implements it

   AB: we had some discussion about the authority

View Modes Media Feature spec: comments from CSS WG

   AB: during our last meeting we had a short discussion re comments
   from CSS WG re the VMMF spec (
   [26] ) but
   without Robin, we didn't dive too deep.
   ... Comments from CSSWG:
   ... Comments from Daniel Glazman:
   ... Comments from Brad Kemper:
   ... Height and width attribute (raised by Marcos):
   ... I'd first like to talk about the scope question e.g. keep its
   scope limited or expand it. Daniel said "why is this restricted to

[27] 2010JanMar/0804.html [28] 2010JanMar/0800.html [29] 2010JanMar/0803.html [30] 2010JanMar/0847.html

   RB: I agree with DG that it shouldn't be

   MC: I agree to but what does that mean work wise

   RB: I think it just means removing any refs to "widgets"

   <kenneth> me too, btw I have additional comments:

[31] msg08111.html

   RB: it could affect the test suite

   <Marcos> Kenneth, will you join the call?

   <kenneth> Marcos, can I?

   <Marcos> certainly is

   <darobin> kenneth: certainly

   RB: I can respond to all of the comments

   AB: there are a couple I'd like to discuss today

   <kenneth> ok could anyone give me info on how to call? Then I will
   find a room with wifi

   MC: re width and height

   RB: not sure it needs to be in MF spec

   MC: yes, I kinda' see what you mean

   RB: in P&C we say they are indications

   <kenneth> ok I will try!

   MC: P&C says given width and height, it says what UA does is
   dependent on the view mode

   <Marcos> "Authoring Guidelines: It is optional for authors to use
   the width attribute with a widget element. This value is only
   applicable to particular view modes, meaning that for certain view
   modes this value is ignored. The view modes that honor the value of
   the height attribute are defined in the [Widgets-Views]
   specification. "

   MC: but that text is non-normative

   AB: ah, I see

   RB: we could just drop that last sentence

   AB: would that be OK Marcos?

   MC: I think that would be OK
   ... don't think it will cause interop probs

   AB: feels like being silent here is the right approach

   MC: OK, I will remove those two sentences (once for width and once
   for height)

   AB: ok, good
   ... the need for the "all" value

   RB: I think it makes sense to have a catch-all
   ... an API could return all
   ... and it tends to be consistent with some of the other MQs
   ... I'm not married to it
   ... Kinda' like the inherit value

   KC: but isn't it equiv to not having anything

   RB: I just copied it from MQs stuff

   KC: if have any new view modes in the feature, it would cause probs

   RB: if can match on all, then know the UA supports view-mode

   KC: could just ask for view-mode then

   MC: on the config side, leaving view mode out equates to all
   ... which equates to view mode

   <Marcos> <widget viewmodes="">

   AB: so there would be some consistency for not having it?
   ... would anyone object to it being removed?

   RB: I would not

   KC: could clarify it is always true if it is a widget

   RB: but we don't want to tie it to widget

   AB: proposed RESOLUTION: the "all" value will be removed from the
   VM-MF spec

   <darobin> +1

   AB: any objection?

   RESOLUTION: the "all" value will be removed from the VM-MF spec

   AB: the "hidden" value DG proposed

   RB: I can see some value
   ... e.g. stopping a CSS animation

   AB: without more compelling use case and resources to drive it, not
   sure about it

   KC: may want to stop CSS animations on mobile devices e.g. to save

   JS: is that a UA problem or author issue?

   KC: may want to give author control
   ... some of the names are confusing

   RB: I'm ok with windowed instead of application

   MC: I'm OK with that but we've already implemented "app"

   RB: I don't want to bikeshed on names

   AB: agree

   MC: yes, but we do have implementations
   ... we don't want to invalidate them

   RB: they should be use -X

   KC: in webkit, using -webkit

   RB: MC, can you get us some data

   <Marcos> [32]


   RB: need to be careful here

   AB: without substantial reasons to change, not sure we should change

   KC: need to make them more general

   RB: the entire spec is more general

   KC: should be relatively easy to support different names

   RB: I'd like to get implementors debate this on the mail list

   AB: any other comments on VM-MF for today?

View Modes Interfaces spec:

   AB: during the discussion about the pre-LC version of the VMMF spec,
   questions were asked about the relationship between VM-I spec and
   CSSOM specs (
   [33] )
   and ( [34] ) via the thread (
   33.html )

[35] 2010JanMar/0933.html

   KC: need a way to change the View Mode from JavaScript
   ... everything else is already in CSSOM

   AB: are you saying VM-I spec isn't really needed

   KC: just need the view mode change stuff moved into CSSOM

   MC: it would be ideal if CSSOM Editor and Kennett could work today
   and make sure our use cases get into the CSSOM spec

   KC: not sure how that would work in practice

   MC: we're happy to help

   <scribe> ACTION: barstow work with Kenneth on a plan to address VM-I
   use cases and reqs via the CSSOM spec [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-514 - Work with Kenneth on a plan to
   address VM-I use cases and reqs via the CSSOM spec [on Arthur
   Barstow - due 2010-04-08].


   AB: does anyone have any other discussion points for today?
   ... next meeting will April 8

   MC: will charter be renewed by then?

   AB: no

   <Marcos> "When the attribute is missing, or is left empty, it
   implies that the author allows the user agent to select and
   appropriate viewmode for the widget."

   <timeless_mbp> … it indicates the author has not requested a
   specific viewmode

   <timeless_mbp> ?

   AB: meeting adjourned

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: barstow add proposal to move WARP spec to CR to April
   8 agenda [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: barstow work with Kenneth on a plan to address VM-I
   use cases and reqs via the CSSOM spec [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

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