Adam Barth wrote on 7/16/2009 10:38 AM: 
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Bil Corry<> wrote:
>> I think you mean everything will NOT be privacy-sensitive except non-XHR 
>> GETs.
> I don't think we've quite settled on exactly what will be privacy
> sensitive.  It's most likely that POSTs and XHR will not be and that
> hyperlinks and image loads will be.  The goal is to harmonize with the
> Mozilla proposal.

I haven't been following the progress of this, has "privacy-sensitive" been 
defined in HTML5 yet?  The only reference I could find was in "2.6 Fetching 

For the purposes of the Origin  header, if the fetching algorithm was 
explicitly initiated from an origin, then the origin that initiated the HTTP 
request is origin. Otherwise, this is a request from a "privacy-sensitive" 
context. [ORIGIN]


- Bil

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