Thanks Eric for bringing this up here.

On Jun 5, 2010, at 00:21 , Eric Uhrhane wrote:
> First of all, I think this discussion should include DAP [+CC].  DAP
> folks, this discussion started at
> My take is that I've gotten lots of useful feedback on FileWriter on
> both webapps and DAP.  However, recently most of the FileWriter
> discussion has been on webapps, mainly as asides on other topics, and
> the last time I sent a request for comments to DAP it received no
> responses.
> I would like to see both specs be officially discussed on webapps.  I
> think we really need input from all the browser companies in order to
> make a solid API, and in order to produce something that everyone's
> eager to implement.  If they won't come to DAP, then this part should
> come to them.  I'd also appreciate it if DAP folks who've contributed
> to the specs so far continued to be involved.  I don't know what the
> logistics of that would be.  The specs are clearly within the charters
> of both groups.  And of course several folks have been popping back
> and forth between lists anyway.
> I'm not really too bothered about the exact form of the discussion and
> publication, as long as we get everyone involved.

DAP people: I expect that there will be some coordination between the chairs of 
DAP and WebApps as well as the W3C tema on this topic circa the end of the 
week. It would be most useful if you could make your opinions (if any) known 
quickly so that we can make an informed decision. Thanks!

Robin Berjon -

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