On Wednesday, June 02, 2010 5:27 PM, Arun Ranganathan wrote:
> On 6/2/10 5:06 PM, Jian Li wrote:
> > Indeed, the URL scheme seems to be more sort of implementation details.
> > Different browser vendors can choose the appropriate scheme, like Mozilla
> > ships with moz-filedata. How do you think?
> Actually, I'm against leaving it totally up to implementations.  Sure,
> the spec. could simply state how the URL behaves without mentioning
> format much, but we identified in the past [1] that it was wise to
> specify things reliably, so that developers didn't rely on arbitrary
> behavior in one implementation and expect something similar in another.
> It's precisely that genre of underspecified behavior that got us in
> trouble before ;-)
> -- A*
> [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009OctDec/0743.html

Do you think the URL scheme should be specified for each use of Blob or more 
broadly? For example, Blob is used in the File Reader API but also possibly in 
the Capture API in a different way. It might be useful to be able to use a 
different scheme for these different purposes to help the user agent route 
requests to the appropriate handler.


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