On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 1:29 PM, Doug Turner <doug.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Drew,
>> I think this is too vague, as it's sounds like a user agent could *not* 
>> ignore markup in the string, and still be compliant with the spec. I think 
>> we need to be very explicit that the string *must* be treated as plain text. 
>> So if I pass in "&gt;<b>foo</b>" as the body parameter to 
>> createNotification(), the resulting notification must display the string 
>> "&gt;<b>foo</b>", without stripping or converting any of the substrings that 
>> might look like HTML entities.
> Yup.  we should tighten up the language.  i think we are on the same page 
> here.

I definitely like the direction this is heading. If we tighten the
language up I would be all for supporting this in firefox. It still
needs to pass through our usual security review and all that, but I
suspect we can make something work.

/ Jonas

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