On Thu, 03 Jun 2010 17:37:05 +0200, Mike Belshe <mbel...@google.com> wrote:
Here is an updated doc:

Can you make this publicly available? Now it requires a google.com account.

Should this also throw an INVALID_STATE_ERR exception just like timeout and withCredentials do? See


for details on those attributes.

What prompted me to look at this again was a bug in WebKit I was added to. I briefly looked through the patch there but the networking layer was doing nothing at all with the field. (Well, it was not changed by this patch.) Is this really something that is useful prior to the deployment of SPDY? And are we sure SPDY is going to use something like this and that it will be useful then?

I suppose we can always remove the property later, but it seems rather experimental at this stage, so I am not sure whether I should add it.

Anne van Kesteren

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