On 9/11/10 6:18 AM, ext Anne van Kesteren wrote:
On Tue, 31 Aug 2010 13:31:50 +0200, Arthur Barstow<art.bars...@nokia.com>
I created a stub agenda item page and seek input to flesh out agenda:

I would like to discuss specifics of Web DOM Core with various
implementors. I added Web DOM Core to the page for now. I will probably
flush it out some more over the next couple of weeks.

Thanks Anne. So the list of agenda topics now is: Web DOM Core, Indexed Database API and DOM 3 Events.

What is the level of interest, by Editors and others, in including additional WebApps' specs on the Nov 1-2 agenda:


In particular:

* File * specs - Eric, Arun are you going to attend this meeting?

* Web IDL - Cameron - will you attend this meeting?

* CORS, UMP - Anne will attend but what about MarkM and Tyler? Jeff, Thomas - are you planning some type of Web Application Security meeting/BoF?

* HTML5 APIs (server-events, Web *) - Hixie - will you attend this meeting?

* Others?

Of course we should continue to use our mail lists for technical discussions even if a spec is on the f2f agenda.

FYI, the widgets group is not planning to meet those days.

-Art Barstow

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