Actually, just to totally contradict myself, we implemented the locale 
attribute of the Widget interface and forget to take it out again when it was 
removed from the spec :-)

On 30 Sep 2010, at 20:37, Scott Wilson wrote:

> On 30 Sep 2010, at 16:51, Phillips, Addison wrote:
>> Hi Art,
>> No, I don't think it does. While the means by which the (user/system 
>> default) locale is determined may be implementation dependent, it is still 
>> necessary that the runtime determine what it is. The Widget interface thus 
>> needs to provide access to what it is. Otherwise how can the script calling 
>> the interface determine what language it is getting for the name, shortname, 
>> etc.? Or what locale the widget is actually using in its runtime? Obtaining 
>> this would be useful if the script were to request content or data 
>> formatting remotely (or do so locally using the JavaScript I18N extension 
>> that is being developed).
> At present in Wookie we generate a widget instance using localization 
> parameters passed to our API, so the information you get from the widget 
> interface will be localized. However for things like making AJAX calls to 
> other services, you are correct that this information will not be available 
> in the Widget runtime - seems like a reasonable UC.
>> Thanks,
>> Addison
>> Addison Phillips
>> Globalization Architect (Lab126)
>> Chair (W3C I18N, IETF IRI WGs)
>> Internationalization is not a feature.
>> It is an architecture.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Arthur Barstow []
>>> Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 6:18 AM
>>> To: Phillips, Addison
>>> Cc: public-webapps
>>> Subject: Re: Comment on Widget Interface...
>>> Hi Addison,
>>> On 9/7/10 6:06 PM, ext Phillips, Addison wrote:
>>>> Hello Webapps WG,
>>>> (This is a personal comment and is not necessarily indicative of
>>> the I18N WG's opinion)
>>>> In Section 5 (The Widget Interface), the interface provides for
>>> retrieving values such as 'name', 'shortName', etc. In Widgets P&C,
>>> these can be localized in the configuration document (I assume that
>>> the configuration document in this document means the same document
>>> as P&C??). There is no mention of whether or how this value is
>>> localized or if the locale/language is subject to programmatic
>>> control (I assume not, since it is not mentioned).
>>>> Could there be an explicit mention of the language/locale and how
>>> it interacts with user-agent? Can/should there be an accessor for
>>> language? How about a way of querying the value by locale?
>>> Support for locale was part of the Widget Interface spec but as we
>>> worked through the localization model for the Packaging and
>>> Configuration spec, we decided to remove it (at least for this
>>> version
>>> of the spec). The Packaging spec includes the gist of the
>>> rationalization for this decision:
>>> [[
>>> As there are numerous ways a user agent can derive the end-user's
>>> preferred languages and regional settings, the means by which those
>>> values are derived are beyond the scope of this specification and
>>> left
>>> up to the implementation.
>>> ]]
>>> I suppose one could argue the Widget Interface implies the above
>>> indirectly (via the reference to P&C spec). However, I don't see
>>> any
>>> harm if the above text were copied into the Interface spec. Would
>>> doing
>>> so address your concern?
>>> -Art Barstow

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