I offered Charles to take over editing of the Progress Events specification and hopefully drive it to completion. Today I wrote a draft for ProgressEvent & company inspired by Charles' work:


I suggest we publish this as a Working Draft.

Relative to the latest Working Draft — http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-progress-events-20080521/ — this has been changed:

* Allowed the ProgressEvent interface to be used for pretty much anything. This helps with HTML5 application caches.
* Defined a restricted subset of it for HTTP requests.
* Made it clear that for cross-origin requests these events present a leak of sorts. * Event types are now suggestions rather than normative. Specifications will have to make the final call.
* Added the event type loadend as suggestion; used by XMLHttpRequest.

I still think the interface members have terrible misleading names and would happily fix that to make them more similar to the names used for <progress> if we can get agreement, but I guess it is too late for that.

Charles' editors draft can be found here:


He made more changes but those have never been picked up by other specifications or implementations so I decided to not base it on that.

Anne van Kesteren

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