Hi All,

We've came across a situation in the RDFa API which could do with some input from the webapps group, primarily on the WebIDL side of things.

We have the following interface:

interface TypedLiteral : RDFNode {
    readonly attribute stringifier DOMString value;
    readonly attribute IRI                   type;
    any valueOf ();

If a converter is registered with the API for the specific `type` then valueOf() returns the native type (for instance Date in the case of xsd:dateTime).

We are currently looking for input on what valueOf() should return when there is no converter registered. Choices we're looking at are:

 1: unconverted value
 2: throw an exception
 3: return null
 4: return void

1 and 2 aren't really any option tbh - 3 I prefer, 4 another member of the WG prefers, but primarily we're looking for best practise in this scenario, and whether 4 is even an option.

Best and TIA,


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