On Nov 6, 2010, at 3:04 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

> On Sat, 6 Nov 2010, Arthur Barstow wrote:
>> Ian, All - during WebApps' November 1 gathering, participants expressed 
>> in an interest in publishing a First Public Working Draft of Web 
>> Messaging [1] and this is a CfC to do so:
>>  http://dev.w3.org/html5/postmsg/
>> This CfC satisfies the group's requirement to "record the group's 
>> decision to request advancement".
> I'd rather not add another document to the list of documents for which I 
> have to maintain separate W3C headers and footers at this time (especially 
> given that I'm behind on taking the other drafts I'm editing to LC). The 
> text in the spec really belongs in the HTML spec anyway and is already 
> published by the WHATWG in the HTML spec there, and is already getting 
> ample review and maintenance there, so I don't think it's especially 
> pressing to publish it as a separate doc on the TR/ page. (The contents of 
> the doc have already gone through FPWD at the W3C, so there's not even a 
> patent policy reason to do it.)

Once HTML5 goes to Last Call, then the relevant scope of the patent policy will 
be the LCWD, not the FPWD. At that point, there will be a strong patent policy 
reason to have an FPWD of this material.


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