
 Here are some issues/clarifications on the p&c test suite

1. ta-uLHyIMvLwz/000 : dl.wgt

The archive is not encrypted. The test description mentions that it is encrypted

2. i18n-lro/020
Is the expectation of the testcase correct. Should the word SED change to DES, to be in sync with the example "The Awesome Super <bdo dir="rtl">Dude</bdo>Widget" in p&c spec. Does it expect the character to be changed from &lt to &gt.

Same behavior applies to i18n-ltr 010 &020, i18n-rlo 020 etc


On Wednesday 03 November 2010 10:17 AM, viji wrote:
Hello Marcos

Thank You, I am okay with the changes.


On Tuesday 02 November 2010 08:20 PM, Marcos Caceres wrote:
On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 9:36 AM, viji<v...@borqs.com> wrote:
Hello Marcos

The changes for "Email attribute" and "Rule for Getting Text Content
Normalized White Space" seem fine.

Good to hear!

I have a comment on usage of Global attributes for Icon, Feature,
and Param elements.

For all these elements dir attribute does not make sense. The text you
added contains the line " What effect specifying a global attribute
has on
an elements is determined by Step 7 of this specification."

In step 7, the reference is given to Rule for Getting Text Content or
for getting a single attribute value etc. Does this clarify as to
dir attribute is applicable or not for the elements like Icon, Feature,
Content and Param elements.

Yes, these rules hopefully make it clear how and when dir and xml:lang
are taken into consideration. You will notice that the rule for
parsing a non-negative number does not take dir or xml:lang into


While the Rule for Getting Text Content always returns a localizable

Please do take a look and see if the rules make sense.

The reason we leave the global attributes there is for
forward/backwards compatibility in case we want to add human readable
text in the future. Consider this hypothetical example:

<feature name="some:feature" dir="ltr">
<otherns:role xml:lang="en">This feature is needed to do something

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