On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 2:43 PM, Getify <get...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ah okay. So that would never work. As things tagged with "anonymous",
>> XMLHttpRequest without credentials, or AnonXMLHttpRequest would ignore
>> Set-Cookie headers.
> First of all, a CORS xhr request could be made with credentials (since
> they're available in the view-source JavaScript)... the question is whether
> or not evil.com making such a request (using CORS) against bank.com with
> credentials would in fact cause the SetCookie response header to be
> interpreted by the browser in such a way that the browser's session cookie
> for bank.com would be killed?

Yes, same way you can using <img src="http://bank.com/...";>

> Secondly, are we sure that all implementations of CORS xhr are ignoring
> SetCookie headers in the "without credentials" case?

Please do try it. There isn't much the spec can do other then spec
that they should.

/ Jonas

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