Anne, for what it's worth, in my initial implementation in WebKit, I've
allowed .responseText to be accessed (without throwing) if .responseType ==
Likewise, .responseXML can be accessed (without throwing) if .responseType
== "document"

I don't have a strong opinion either way.  But it wasn't hard for us to
implement that way.


On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:

> Before I write it out it would be nice to assess whether there is consensus
> on this. From the current draft, asBlob, responseBlob, and
> responseArrayBuffer are removed. response and responseType are added.
> responseType can be set when the state is either OPENED or HEADERS_RECEIVED
> and must be set before send() is invoked for synchronous requests. When set
> at an inappropriate point it throws INVALID_STATE_ERR much like the other
> attributes. (This means responseType can be set during the request,
> specifically after all headers are available to the author so she/he can
> make an informed choice what to set responseType to.)
> Depending on the type response either starts returning at LOADING or DONE.
> overrideMimeType can be invoked whenever responseType can be set.
> responseType has these constants:
> When set to anything but RESPONSE_DEFAULT responseText and responseXML will
> throw INVALID_STATE_ERR. When set to RESPONSE_DEFAULT response returns what
> responseText returns. (This seems mildly better than throwing, but I can be
> convinced to make it throw instead.)
> --
> Anne van Kesteren

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