On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 3:17 PM, James Robinson <jam...@google.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Eric Uhrhane <er...@google.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 2:39 AM, Anne van Kesteren <ann...@opera.com>
>> wrote:
>> > On Fri, 10 Dec 2010 03:24:38 +0100, Web Applications Working Group Issue
>> > Tracker <sysbot+trac...@w3.org> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> ISSUE-173 (ericu): terminal FileWriter progress events should be queued
>> >> [File API: Writer]
>> >>
>> >> http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/track/issues/173
>> >>
>> >> Raised by: Eric Uhrhane
>> >> On product: File API: Writer
>> >>
>> >> When a FileWriter successfully completes a write, currently it:
>> >> * dispatches a write event
>> >> * sets readyState to DONE
>> >> * dispatches a writeend event
>> >>
>> >> If you want to start a new write, you can't do it in onwrite, since
>> >> readyState is still WRITING.  Those events should be queued for
>> >> asynchronous
>> >> delivery, so that readyState is DONE by the time they get handled.  If
>> >> you
>> >> set up a new write in onwrite, you'll still run the risk of getting
>> >> confused
>> >> by the subsequent writeend from the previous write, but that's
>> >> detectable.
>> >>
>> >> I'll have to look and see what other events should be marked as queued.
>> >
>> > Why not queue a task that changes readyState and then dispatches write
>> > followed by writeend, "synchronously" from the task. That is how a
>> > number of
>> > things work in XMLHttpRequest.
>> That would work too.  Any reason that you don't want to set readyState
>> before queueing the task?  This is already happening asynchronously,
>> in response to the write finishing--the important thing is just to
>> make sure the events are queued, and readyState is updated, before the
>> first handler runs.
> I'm not familiar with this particular API, but in general I think it's
> important that state variables be set at the same time that the relevant
> event fires.  In other words, code that polls readyState or similar
> attributes should not be able to observe any change before the related event
> is fired.

Yeah, that makes sense [+thanks to Jonas for pointing this out
off-list].  I'll link the readyState change with onwrite in the
success case and onerror in the failure case, then have onwriteend
come after.

> - James
>> > --
>> > Anne van Kesteren
>> > http://annevankesteren.nl/
>> >
>> >

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