On 1/8/11 4:07 AM, Jack Coulter wrote:
Sorry, I wasn't really clear. What I meant was, a private DOM hierarchy. You
still wouldn't be able to access it in multiple places simultaneously, and
you'd still have to serialise it to a string to use it in postMessage. Forgive
my ignorance, but if this were the case, then isn't the thread-safety issue
effectively sidestepped?

You're assuming that none of the DOM implementation code uses any sort of non-DOM objects, ever, or that if it does those objects are fully threadsafe. That's just not not the case, at least in Gecko.

The issue in this case is not the same DOM object being touched on multiple threads. The issue is two DOM objects on different threads both touching some global third object.

For example, the XML parser has to do some things that in Gecko can only be done on the main thread (DTD loading, offhand; there are a few others that I've seen before but don't recall offhand).

This would allow developers to parse and manipulate XML in workers, freeing
the main thread of a page to perform other tasks.

Why '...'? Did I say something in error here?

No, I was just indicating that I'd snipped some text there.

I know of E4X, and while I think it's a really nice language feature, the lack
non-gecko support makes it substantially less useful.

Well... so we're comparing a feature that's supported in Gecko but not other UAs to a feature that's not supported in any UA, right? ;)

(Fwiw, I think the way E4X was actually done is insane; heck it redefines what the |x.y()| syntax means! But perhaps some other API along those lines that doesn't actually create DOM nodes with all their weird behaviors (e.g. if you create an <img> it tries to load things off the network) and instead just parses XML into objects exposed to JS would be a better fit for workers.)


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