On Sat, 26 Feb 2011 16:15:25 +0100, Doug Schepers <schep...@w3.org> wrote:
I will remove my objection to publish DOM Core if: 1) conflicts (rather than extensions) are removed from the draft, or reconciled with changes in DOM3 Events; and 2) for those changes that have broad consensus, we can integrate them into DOM3 Events, which means that the changes should be sent as comments on DOM3 Events, to be discussed by the group and their current status determined.

I am fine with raising issues to be discussed (and I am planning on doing so), but do we really need to resolve them before proceeding with publication? Is having a clear warning at the start of the "Events" section not sufficient, as Adrian suggested?

I had previously started a DOM Core 4 draft specification, but when Anne and others volunteered to do Web DOM Core, I moved aside to let them work, and volunteered to help with that draft;

Actually, before you worked on that Simon Pieters wrote fair bit of Web DOM Core (now DOM Core). Then Geoffrey Sneddon. Then Ms2ger. And only then I started helping out.

I would still like to help edit that specification, to bring a slightly different perspective and approach, and to coordinate between DOM3 Events and DOM Core, and I believe we can edit the spec together amicably and productively.

Do you have a bitbucket.org account? Ms2ger and I use https://bitbucket.org/ms2ger/dom-core as our primary repository. We typically coordinate editorial ideas in #whatwg and for them we also do commit first, then review every so often. Changes to existing features are brought up for discussion on public-webapps@w3.org, usually after we sanity checked them with each other. So far we have avoided adding new features as we would like to first reach some kind of stability with the current DOM implementations. If this all works for you I think it can work out.

I have not run this by Ms2ger though I suspect he will agree.

To be frank I am a little skeptical given our strained relationship to date, but I am willing to give it a try.

Kind regards,

Anne van Kesteren

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