On 3/14/11 10:56 AM, João Eiras wrote:
Math.mAdd(m1, m2)
Math.mSub(m1, m2)
Math.mMult(m1, m2)

Presumably throwing on size mismatches?

Math.mDiv(m1, m2)

I don't think we should add this.  Matrix "division" is a pretty fuzzy
concept with non-square matrices.  And if you stick to square matrices,
it's easy to clearly do whatever you're trying to do with inverses.


Presumably throwing for non-square matrices?


This could be "fun" to define.  Are you actually talking about Gaussian
elimination, or Gauss-Jordan?  For either one the output is not uniquely
defined (at least not if you might want to make it fast), last I checked....


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