The W3C staff is trying to determine which WGs will meet f2f during the Oct 31 - Nov 4 TPAC meeting week in Santa Clara, CA US.

The general format for the week is the same as TPAC 2011:

Schedule for the week:
    Group Meetings: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
    Plenary Day: Wednesday
    AC Sessions: Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday Plenary and Thursday morning

*There will be a small registration fee of 50 USD per day to defray a portion of the meeting costs.* Please see the Meeting Overview page for additional details:

My inclination is to request one room for WebApps for Monday and Tuesday and to fill in specific agenda items in advance and to also allocate time for un-conference style, ad hoc topics (i.e. same format and schedule as TPAC 2010).

Mike, Maciej - do you know if the HTML WG will meet that week and if so, the days they will meet?

All - besides the HTML WG, which I assume we do not want to overlap, are there any other high priority WGs we want to either explicitly avoid overlapping or explicitly overlap e.g. to facilitate joint meetings?

Naturally, we will try our best to avoid scheduling conflicts with other high priority WGs but the overall format of the meeting week does impose constraints on the scheduling options.

-Art Barstow

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