Earlier today the W3C announced an "Identity in the Browser" Workshop May 24-25 in Mountain View CA US. The deadline for Position Papers is April 22:

 Identity in the Browser
 24-25 May 2011
 Mountain View, CA, USA
 Hosted by the Mozilla Foundation

As the Web becomes increasingly a focal point for economic and social activity, 
there is an urgent need for trustworthy, widely-applicable digital identity 
management.  This includes the need for authentication and authorization to 
work across multiple web-sites, enterprises, devices, and browsers in a uniform 
and easy-to-use manner. For critical enterprise activity, effective government 
engagement, and sensitive social information accessed over the Web, a higher 
level of identity assurance, privacy protection, and security is required, and 
client-side technologies like browsers have an important role to play. To 
address many of these issues, digital identity should become a core part of Web 
architecture, enabled by a combination of server and client-side solutions. 
Achieving this vision, however, requires addressing numerous technical, 
operational, policy, and legal issues. This workshop's purpose is to consider 
how the intersection of those issues with the use of browser technology can 
lead to this vision.

Topics for discussion include, but are not limited to:

 * mutually beneficial relationships between server-side and client-side 
identity approaches
 * novel and existing approaches toward digital identity on the Web that could 
be integrated across browsers
 * the relationship between the Web and enterprise identity

Important dates in 2011

21 Mar: Call for Participation issued
22 Apr: Deadline for position papers
9 May: Program released
12 May: Deadline for registration
24 May: Workshop starts

Statements of Interest

* W3C Membership is not required to participate in this workshop.
* Attendees are required to submit a statement of interest to hhal...@w3.org

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