
If the first character of the name is not a U+002E 'FULL STOP'
character, but name contains one or more U+002E 'FULL STOP'
characters, then let extension be the sequence of characters from the
last U+002E 'FULL STOP' (inclusive) to the end of name (if any).

The value of extension for the file name "cat.html" would be ".html".
The value of extension for "...html" would be ".html". And the value
of extension for "hello." would be an empty string.

Wouldn't the value of extension for "hello." be "." according to this rule?

"If any" doesn't make sense - there has to be *some* sequence of
characters from the full stop to the end.


On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Arthur Barstow <> wrote:
> On March 22, WebApps published a LCWD of Widget Packaging and Configuration
> to fix bugs [Bugs] found by the I18N Core WG:
> We welcome comments from anyone and explicitly ask the I18N WG to review
> this spec and to send all comments to by May 1.
> -Art Barstow
> [Bugs]

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