On 04/26/2011 12:22 AM, Ojan Vafai wrote:
On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 11:31 AM, Jonas Sicking <jo...@sicking.cc> wrote:

    First off is document.createTreeWalker and
    document.createNodeIterator. They have the same signature which
    currently is:

    document.createX(root, whatToShow, filter, entityReferenceExpansion);

    Given that entity references are being removed, we should simply
    remove the last argument. Note that this is a backwards compatible
    change since additional arguments to any DOM function are just ignored
    in all browsers I think. Additionally, I see no reason to keep the
    'filter' argument required as it's quite common to leave out.

FWIW, WebKit already has filter and entityReferenceExpansion as
optional. I expect there would be no opposition to making whatToShow
optional as well.

Just curious, are they optional by design in webkit, or because of the
bug which for example lead the last parameter to
addEventListener to be optional.


    We could even make the whatToShow argument optinal and default it to
    SHOW_ALL. Originally I was going to propose that we default it to
    SHOW_ELEMENTS as I had thought that that would be a common value,
    however it appears that SHOW_TEXT is as, if not more, commonly used.
    The downside to defaulting to SHOW_ALL is that people might use the
    default and then do filtering manually, which is slower than having
    the iterator/treewalker do the filtering.

I agree with everything here. I think SHOW_ALL is the default people
would expect.

    I'd like to give some DOM XPath a similar treatment. The following
    three functions could be simplified:

    XPathEvaluator.createExpression(expression, resolver);
    Here I think we can make the 'resolver' argument optional as
    namespaces are commonly not used on the web.

    XPathEvaluator.evaluate(expression, contextNode, resolver, type,
    We can make 'resolver', 'type' and 'result' optional. 'type' would
    default to ANY_TYPE(0) and the other two to null.

    XPathExpression.evaluate(contextNode, type, result);
    Here all but the first could be optional. The defaults would be the
    same as for XPathEvaluator.evaluate.

These are already all optional in WebKit. We could also make contextNode
optional by defaulting it to the document, no?

    I'd like to make these changes to firefox, but first I wanted to hear
    what people here think.

I support this. As it is, I believe the verbosity of these methods hurts
their adoption.

    I know we don't have editors for the relevant
    specs, but I think we can make an informal decision that these changes
    sound good if people think they are.

    / Jonas

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