On Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at 12:00 AM, timeless wrote: 
> It's pretty much impossible for me to figure out which things are new
> or which i've missed in previous rounds. (It's also possible that I
> didn't review this spec, in which case, I'm sorry.) I don't believe
> these comments significantly affect the document, i.e. they're mostly
> editorial, although some are technically errors which should
> definitely be fixed.
> http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets-digsig/
> > A widget package can be digitally signed by an author to produce a 
> > signature file
> > that cryptographically includes all of the files of a widget package that 
> > are not
> i don't think "includes" is right, perhaps "covers" or "attests".
Covers it is. 

> > A user agent or other entity can use author signature to determine:
> use _an_ author

> > As the following terms are used throughout this specification, they are 
> > gathered here for the readers convenience.
> reader's

> > A file name is the name of a file contained in a widget package (excludes 
> > path information), as defined in the [Widgets Packaging] specification.
> probably s/excludes/excluding/
> > Set the a URI attribute for each ds:Reference to be the zip relative path 
> > that identifies a file inside the widget package.
> drop "a"
I changed it "the fie"... just saying "file" 
> >  Generate a identifier property in the manner specified in [Signature 
> > Properties].
> an
> >  Serialized the signature as a [UTF-8] encoded [XML] document using the 
> > appropriate naming convention depending on its role:
> Serialize ? (present tense, action/command v. past tense)
> > To validate the siganture files of a widget package, a validator MUST run 
> > the algorithm to validate digital signatures.
> signature is misspelled
> > terminate this algorithm and treat as an unsigned widget package:
> treat _it_ as...

> >  Check that signature has a ds:Reference for every file that is not a 
> > signature file. If every non-signature file is not included, then signature 
> > is in error.
> s/every/any/
> s/not included/not listed/
fixed and fixed 
> >  If the role property is missing or or invalid, then signature is in error.
> s/or or/or/
> >  If all signatures validated successfully, treat this as a signed widget 
> > package.
> s/validated/validate/

> >  Search the root of the widget package for any file name that 
> > case-sesitively
> sensitively is misspelled

> > This implies that, in order to verify a signature file, a user agent need
> needs

> > A signature .. does not limit .. decompression and unpacking code used 
> > during signature extraction and verification.
> This doesn't seem to be a complete thought.

Agreed. This is redundant anyway so I killed it. I just said in the first 
paragraph: "the security considerations of [Widget Packaging] also apply to 
this specification." 
> > A signature file can also be renamed, which can affect the order in which 
> > distributor signatures are processed.
> This could have been addressed by embedding the signature file name
> into the file, oh well :)
True... oh well. Something for v2, I guess. 
> > Mechanisms to install new root certificates in a user agent need to be 
> > subject to security critical mechanisms.
> 'security critical mechanisms' doesn't sound right
Agreed. Removed that sentence. Changed the paragraph to: 

 If the user agent supports installing a new root certificate, an end-user 
should be made aware of what they are doing, and why. 

Thanks for the review, Josh! 

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