On Mon, 09 May 2011 21:02:21 +0900, Johan Sörlin <spo...@moxiecode.com> wrote:

Hi Hallvord,

This is wonderful news since getting the html from the clipboard right now is a really ugly hack and very browser dependent.

Sure it is, we hope to fix that in a nice way :-)

Getting the clipboard data as both a string or a fragment would sure make it easy for developers to handle clipboard contents.

I take that as support for my event.clipboardData.getDocumentFragment() suggestion. I'll need to talk to Ian Hickson about it since the actual DataTransfer definition is in HTML5, but I guess it might be interesting also for DnD?

Regarding HTML sanitation:
The mozilla folks recently decided to clean up pasted HTML but it's a bit too aggressive removing all non standard attributes. In order to for example detect MS word HTML a lot of this odd content needs to be retained to check for list like structures for example.

Yes, the getData() algorithm is not going to clean up non-standard attributes/class names/elements.

I think the sanitation outlined in the document might also be a bit too aggressive. Such as removing the HTML comments and data attributes. For example both TinyMCE and CKEditor uses the data- attributes for internal usage. So if a user is pasting from one editor to another cross domains the attribute would be lost and therefor break that item.

I didn't know that you use data- attributes. This gets somewhat tricky - data- is certainly a type of hidden data that should be removed under the "to the greatest extent possible, a user should know what s/he is really pasting" principle. I see your use case, but I also assume that many sites would use data- attributes for information that the site doesn't expect anybody but its own JS to get access to.

Also removing all style properties that is computed to 'none' would remove browser specific CSS rules and mso- styles that we use to detect word specific items.

What he algorithm actually intends is to remove all elements with display:none (and visibility:hidden) - again based on the principle that we should try to make sure the user knows what s/he is pasting.

I've reworked the stuff on pasting HTML (potentially with multiple parts) today - please review this section at your leisure, particularly the screenful known as sections 8.3 and 8.3.1:

Hallvord R. M. Steen, Core Tester, Opera Software
http://www.opera.com http://my.opera.com/hallvors/

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