> On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Jonas Sicking <jo...@sicking.cc> wrote:
>> e) Keep "MessagePort[] ports" the way it is but deprecate it.
> For anyone not looking closely at the IDL while reading this, this
> means deprecating (for whatever value "deprecate" has on the web) the
> ports array in MessageEvent--not the ports parameter to postMessage
> (that's a sequence).
> I agree that it'd be great to be able to pass MessagePorts around like
> other objects.  I havn't had to use them with any complexity yet, but
> the current mechanism seems cumbersome for moving more than one port
> around at a time.

In this case, deprecating would mean that browsers that hasn't
implemented the property yet wouldn't do so. And if they wanted to,
browsers that do implement it could add a warning in the developer
console any time the property is used and eventually remove the
property once it seems likely that people have stopped using it.

/ Jonas

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