On Jun/10/2011 3:05 PM, ext Ian Hickson wrote:
On Fri, 10 Jun 2011, Arthur Barstow wrote:
>  My take on the comments is that most commentors prefer the spec to be
>  changed as PLH suggested in comment #5:
> > http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12111#c5 > > Hixie - are you willing to change the spec accordingly?
What's the rush here? This is a minor issue, which I plan to address in
due course. It's not blocking implementors, it's not causing any
interoperability trouble, it's not stopping someone from writing a test
suite, why all the fuss?

I would like all of the group's specs to keep moving forward on the Recommendation track. That is an expectation set forth in the group's charter and I don't think I have ever asked the group to "rush" this or any other spec. (On the contrary, I have supported longer review periods when requested and do not enforce the 90-day heartbeat publication policy "just to publish".)

In this case, at least one other spec (which is planned for Proposed Recommendation in early August) has a normative dependency on Storage (and these functions in particular). Although the reference policy provides some flexibility, I think it is sub-optimal for later stage specs to depend on specs that are still changing.

I would appreciate it, if you would please provide a date when you expect to have addressed this issue.

(FYI, Cam is working on a schedule to move Web IDL to LC which is the only other dependency not yet at LC for the spec mentioned above.)


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