I do not want to start a name bikeshedding.
The name doesn't bother me so far, but I have seen that comment again and again.

    On Thu, 23 Jun 2011 14:06:24 GMT
    In Bruce Lawson’s personal site : Installable web apps and interoperability

    Installable apps (in W3C parlance, Widgets – which 
    is a terrible name) allow authors to write apps 
    using HTML(5), CSS, JavaScript, SVG etc, and 
    package them up into a glorified Zip file with 
    some configuration details which can then be 
    installed on a computer.

It seems that "extensions" or "addons" would be more cognitively connected with 
Web developers.

    y'know, so terrible is the W3C “Widgets” name 
    that I didn't even think it referred to the 
    same thing as Chrome’s apps, et al.
    — http://twitter.com/nevali/status/83866541388603392

Karl Dubost - http://dev.opera.com/
Developer Relations & Tools, Opera Software

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