On Monday, June 27, 2011 8:21 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 11:42 AM, Israel Hilerio <isra...@microsoft.com>
> wrote:
> > The IDBObjectStore.openCursor method is defined to have two optional
> parameters:
> > * IDBRequest openCursor (in optional any range, in optional unsigned
> > short direction) raises (IDBDatabaseException);
> >
> > Based on the examples in the spec, it seems we're envisioning the method
> to be used in the following ways:
> > * objStore.openCursor();
> > * objStore.openCursor(keyRange);
> > * objStore.openCursor(keyRange, IDBCursor.PREV);
> > * objStore.openCursor(IDBCursor.PREV);
> No, that's not how optional parameters work in WebIDL. In order to specify an
> optional parameter, you always have to specify all preceding optional
> parameters. So only the following syntaxes are
> valid:
> * objStore.openCursor();
> * objStore.openCursor(keyRange);
> * objStore.openCursor(keyRange, IDBCursor.PREV);
> > Having "any" for the keyRange type makes it difficult to detect the correct
> overloaded parameter for openCursor.
> The reason the first parameter is of type 'any' is so that you can pass 
> either a
> IDBKeyRange or a value. So for example:
> req = objStore.openCursor("hello");
> req = index.openCursor(4);
> are valid. When called with a simple value on an object store the cursor will
> obviously always return 0 or 1 rows. For indexes it could return any number
> of rows though.
> This is actually already specified if you look at the steps for opening a 
> cursor.
> The same holds true for many other functions, such as .get and .delete.
> However it's a very subtle feature that's easy to miss. If you have 
> suggestions
> for how to make this more clear in the spec I'd love to hear them. I've been
> thinking that we should add non-normative, easy-to-understand text to
> explain each function, similar to what the
> HTML5 spec does when defining APIs.
> / Jonas

What you're saying makes a lot of sense.  That was what I originally thought 
but what confused me was some of the examples in the current spec which suggest 
we want to do the following (Section 3.3.5):
* objStore.openCursor(IDBCursor.PREV);

Independent of how up to date the examples are, the issue with the way it is 
currently spec'ed is that there is an implied dependency between keyRange and 
Cursor direction.  In other words, you can't open a cursor without any keyRange 
and just a direction.  One possible way to resolve this is to allow the 
keyRange to be nullable.  This will allow us to define a cursor without a 
keyRange and with a direction:
* objStore.openCursor(null, IDBCursor.PREV);

Without something like this, it is not easy to get a list of all the records on 
the store going in the opposite direction from IDBCursor.NEXT.


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