On 7/8/11, Dimitri Glazkov <dglaz...@chromium.org> wrote:
> As a background for the wider Component Model discussion, I put
> together an overview of the general behavior attachment problem on the
> Web:
> http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Behavior_Attachment
> Please take a look. Comments, additions, and critique are appreciated.
I read:
"In Web applications, the lack of proper behavior attachment method is
addressed at a library level, with every Javascript framework
attempting to solve this problem. Here is a quick overview of
approaches: "

Looks like a summary of inexperience.

The examples under the heading "Extensions" do not work in Firefox 5.
Instead, I get the error message displayed "Sorry, we don't support
your browser just yet. You'll need Google Chrome to install apps,
extensions and themes. [Link: Download Google Chrome]". Browser
detection error message displayed on a web page full of HTML errors
and code that looks like Google's new badly implemented "+1" idea.

I'd say get some more experience. It's great to share ideas but you
should learn about how to build web apps, and do that, and then get
those apps reviewed by experts -- and I don't mean your Google

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