On Thursday, August 04, 2011 11:51 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> On Thu, 04 Aug 2011 20:24:47 +0200, Adrian Bateman  
> <adria...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> > 1. We have received feedback from both customers and teams at Microsoft  
> > that the name DOM Core is causing confusion with the previous versions  
> > of DOM Core. We request that the specification be named DOM Level 4  
> > Core. The original Web DOM Core name would also be acceptable.
> We already agreed to this name change earlier. Lets not go back and forth  
> on this.

The name was changed. We weren't terribly keen on the change. It is now
causing problems. I've had multiple people contact me confused about this.
We should fix the problem.

> > This functionality shouldn't be pulled into DOM Core. We believe  
> > improvements for mutation events should be kept a separate deliverable  
> > for this working group (ADMN).
> I am not sure what ADMN means.

This is in the WG charter.

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